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Meet Ingrid

allergen avoidance

food allergies & intolerance

meal planning

home makeovers

grocery tours

Harvard University,

Master in Public Policy


Yale University,

Bachelor of Arts

My Story

My journey to manage food allergies began in 2016, when our oldest son was diagnosed with severe allergies to wheat, egg, peanut, tree nuts, and avocado. At the time of the diagnosis, I did not have friends who could identify with my situation, and at times I felt very overwhelmed, anxious, and isolated. I had a demanding career and did not find resources that would facilitate necessary adjustments, let alone adapt to my schedule.
We used to consider it a luxury to share a meal, whether at home or out, that everyone enjoyed and that would keep our son safe. Our incredible pediatricians and allergists gave us medical diagnoses and guidelines, but they could not give us as much practical support as we would have liked to integrate lifestyle changes with minimal disruption to other family members as well.
Since then, I have researched extensively, learned by trial and error, and developed my approach that families should each have the opportunity to share safe, healthy, and delicious meals regularly.
I understand that life happens and to enjoy it fully, we strive to manage stress, especially when the source of this anxiety is out of our control. However, we can focus on factors we can control and develop mechanisms to cope with those we cannot.
I support families to navigate their individual journey with a holistic perspective that considers the whole family. I will complement any prescribed medical guidance to develop realistic adjustments and individualized recommendations. 
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