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Meet Ingrid

In 2016, my family radically changed its approach to eating when one of our sons was diagnosed with severe allergies to wheat, egg, peanut, tree nuts, and avocado. We have experienced, in addition to health challenges, difficulties finding meals the whole family can enjoy safely. 
My perspective - Safe. Healthy. Delicious. - is rooted in the principle that we share so much of our lives around the table. At meals is where we build the foundation for our relationship with food, learn social skills, and provide nourishment for our body and spirit. If meals feel restrictive, taste unappetizing, or contain unsafe ingredients, then we miss out on each other.
I â€‹consider it a privilege to support families as they navigate lifestyle changes resulting from an allergy diagnosis or dietary restriction, to curate convenient meal plans, and to remove allergens from the home and grocery lists. 

Personal Approach

Practical Solutions

Safe, healthy, and delicious guide my approach to supporting families to adapt and find practical solutions for their specific routine or lifestyle. 
I offer the benefit of my own family's adaptations, struggles, and successes. 
Ultimately, I want to help you build your confidence and expand your skills, so you feel you can create a safe, healthy, and delicious environment - without compromise.
Lifestyle changes resulting from an allergy diagnosis can seem overwhelming. We make practical adjustments to keep your family safe, satisfied, and happy.
Meal planning simplifies grocery shopping and ensures the entire family can eat safely. We identify delicious options that everyone will enjoy, at home, eating out, or on travel.
Home and Pantry Organization
Removing allergens from throughout the home is critical. We identify potential allergen sources, offer alternative choices, and achieve sustainable, practical outcomes.

cassava-crusted chicken

Allergen-Friendly Eating

I believe every family should have the choice to enjoy safe, healthy, and delicious meals together. Once a child is diagnosed with one, or multiple, food allergies, this can dramatically impact the family's lifestyle. 
Food preparation becomes even more important... and often more stressful. I share various dishes that I have developed on my family's journey and that we enjoy regularly. My kids eat most, and some cater to a more "adult" palette. But all are adaptable and can be made without contaminating the kitchen-space.
From mains to sauces to sides, I share our ideas with you for you to make them your own and share with your loved ones. Enjoy!


To begin a conversation or book a personalized session, send a message to schedule.
If you have tips to share with other families, I welcome your experience and the opportunity to learn from you and to grow a supportive community for families.
Let's connect.

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